BrammoBlog: Fall, Parades, Rivers, Planes and Such…a Hodge Podge of photo goodies.

10 11 2013

Brammo Blog Ver 2.0 : Three weekends of unrelated rides=One blog post as I am lazy.

Again, mostly photos and few words. Always a win win.



A few riders get together on the 3rd Sunday to do a monthly ride. This month is was one of my favorite rides. From Albuquerque down along the Rio Grande to Los Lunas. Only six of us this ride and the group was eclectic…Scooters, a BMW, my Electric and a 70cc Honda (updated to a 125cc engine).




25 miles south of Albuquerque


After a burger I bid adieu to the group and headed back to take some photos of the ride (I didn’t want to stop on the way down and slow down the group. I knew I could get some nice photos on the way home. Riding with a group, even a small group of 6, is always fun, but riding alone allows for more stops and the personal freedom to take any path I want.)


You know where the river is by seeing the trees–turning yellow as Cottonwoods do.


Panorama…click to embiggen


We almost never have LOW fire danger. The rains that flooded Colorado gave us enough rain to help us out greatly. We actually went from 4 inches below average….to average. Still, a needed influx of moisture.





The Rio Grande. This is actually a TON of water for this time of year. Usually it is a stream.

Still this would hardly be thought a river in on the East Coast…or Midwest…or Oregon.



Looks fairly impressive…but likely 2 to 4 feet deep at the most.


After crossing the river I decided to take a slightly different route. Instead of jumping on the highway and blasting home I took a new road that runs beside the airport. Much to my delight I found both an “Airport Landing Viewing Area”…which was so-so, and a much more interesting Airplane Graveyard





Gif should move??



Broken aircraft!!




I will have to come back and explore some more. I’m fairly certain that the chance of my being arrested is not zero.

Oh well, the things we do….



Some time in the last couple of weeks I hit 4000 miles on the bike. Not bad for 6 to 7 months of riding and having a commute of only 5 miles each way. I’ve more than doubled my commute-only miles.


SECOND WEEKEND: Just a couple of photos.


Fall is lovely everywhere. Even in the high desert. Though most of these trees are not really native trees.



I love Love LOVE this wall of Ivy in Fall.



Big ride this week was the Marigold Parade/Day of the Dead Parade in the south valley.


Loaded up and ready to “head” out. And yes that is a high tech storage device of laundry basket and bungee cords.


The motorcycle-scooter groups have ridden this parade many years in a row. We are usually near the front, but this years application was lost and we were put in the back–almost not allowed to ride. We were number 83. We were 8 last year. It is much more fun to be in the front because: When you get to the end you get to see all the other floats and marchers go by at the end, and you get to be in the middle of everything during set up. We are at the back and on a dirt lots a few hundred feet from all the crazy people on stilts and bad drum circles. Hmmm, maybe the back isn’t so bad.





My candy basket. I had a bunch more in the back and threw every bit of it.

Parade participants need to throw candy to the children lining the streets. A fun idea, but the kids are crazy for candy and I always wonder what will happen if I run one over. Nothing good likely. This year I didn’t have any issues, but a guy on a horse almost took out a kid running into the street for a piece of candy. My heart skipped a beat, and the guy on the horse just about crapped himself. The kid? Didn’t even notice and kept running for more candy. Definitely not the Rose Bowl Parade security team. Heck I was grabbed twice as I drove by…and my peripheral vision was ZERO so both times where quite startling. One guy wanted to take a selfie with me. I said ok. The other guy…around 40 years old, grabbed me as I was actually moving and wanted me to give him candy. I used some less than kind sock monkey language about grabbing my %$&#* arm, reached into my candy basket and held it out toward him and then threw it to the kids behind him. I don’t like when the adults take candy that is for the kids…and I really don’t like somebody grabbing my arm while I’m driving and have limited vision. Yes, I was only going Parade speed of 1-2 miles per hour…still, I didn’t like it and I hope the big sock monkey head muffled my voice enough that the kids didn’t hear what I said to the guy.


Parade group 81 was an amazing family.


Parade group 80 had Oscar. Oscar was great, but a bit bored waiting for the parade to start…like most of us.



A Selfie.


Group 81. The family portrait.


The rest of Group 80, Oscar’s group, showed up just in time.


This guy walked by while we waited.


This low-rider VW drove by. Great convertible flat top. I have never seen a low-rider/low-topper before.


Moved from the dirt to the road…about time to go.


A posed shot. Sadly no photos from the Parade. Hopefully I will find some on-line. No way I can ride, throw candy and take photos with this head on.


And back home…well not home. This is my brother’s house. The parade is on Sunday and that is the day we get together to watch football.



And the head is put, Indiana Jones like, on a protective pillar to sit for future generations to find and wonder over. What was “man” like in 2013? From this headdress we assume he was clinically insane.


Till next time….Gavin.


For more info on Brammo, please visit:
For more images, photos, discussions and all around Brammo goodness: visit, lurk and maybe join:



I do the Day of the Dead paper-mache heads as it allows me to wear it to work for the sick kids (they love it), plus the parade (see above) and I can wear it for our family halloween party. Here I am in my Breaking Bad/Day of the Dead/Sock Monkey Head.


Three events helps to mitigate the hours put in making an oversized head.


And here is a few bonus photos from this weekends Zoo trip.



I love riding the motorcycle to the Zoo as I get great parking. The down side is, unless I get there at the same time as somebody I know and can throw my helmet in their trunk, I have to carry my helmet around. I used this to my advantage yesterday as I was able to have a little photo op with the Zebras.

Of course the real reason I went to the Zoo was….


to see Addy and feed the ducks and “big fish”…

but also to see the new addition to the Zoo:

Daisy the baby elephant.

elephantsWith Mom and big sister. She is hella cute. Skinny and FAST. Adorable.

Photo by Deanna Stevenson as all mine are in shadow. She is a much better photographer than I am. If only I could get her obsessed with taking photos of my motorcycle, well the photos would clearly improve.

BrammoBlog: “Tour Lightly”…Or “I am the one who’s engine never Knocks”

30 09 2013

Brammo Blog: ver2. A beautiful day: a slightly melancholy yet joyful ride.


So it was Saturday and it was just beautiful out. Fall came on fast, like a welcomed visit by a long-missed friend. Fall is wonderful for riding, especially in New Mexico. Cool, crisp, clean air accompanied by endless blue skies.

And it was the Saturday before the big Breaking Bad finale. I knew I wanted to take a long ride. I knew I wanted to ride alone. And I knew I should take that Breaking Bad self-tour just one more time. Plus I had added a new locale or two. So off I went.


Like always I started off from my house. I was planning a new route and wanted to see how it went. I usually start with Walt’s house, but that always seemed like starting with dessert. So this time I was going from HIGH to LOW. So I would ride to the base of the Sandia Mountains (Hank’s House) and hit stops along the ride down to Los Pollos Hermanos down in the South Valley.




La Casa de loco…


Noon. 70 degrees. Ready to ride. 2nd gear Sport mode is my default riding in the city gear.



So Hank’s house is just below the foothills and next to a nice hiking trail. A great place to start.

This is about 6 miles from my house and the furthest point East and also the highest point. It’s, literally, all downhill from here.

(A quote my wife made on our wedding day.)

(ps. No photoshop on any images. Just beautiful New Mexico sky. My mother thinks the cinematographer of Breaking Bad is a genius. I tell her the person who decided to film in New Mexico is the genius…the landscape begs to be filmed…but yes, the cinematographer is very talented.)



Next stop is waiting for “relocation” at the Dam.



Notice the object on top of the dam.


It is  a full-sized, real vacuum cleaner. Gosh I do love the sense of humor of my fellow Albuquerquen’s.

(and yes, I did use an effect on this image. But it is the only one.)


Yes, a lot of “Dam” photos. It was a new location, and it was a nice photo stop. I understand why Vince Gilligan used this location as it is quite striking.


The next stop is one of least favorite stops. But I get asked to show Saul Goodman’s office all the time. Well a while ago it was an empty store front and it looked like it did in the show. But it has been bought and turned into a bar and now looks nothing like his office.


Still, Hooligans is not a bad name for Saul’s office to be called.


Next is the highlight of any Breaking Bad tour. Walt’s house.IMG_7981

IMG_7982 IMG_7984

I’ve been told I need to show more than just the bike at the locations. So here is a “selfie”. The helmet is kept on to protect the innocent.


Off to have an “A1 Day” at the Octopus Car Wash.






Next is another “new” location. I hadn’t stopped here till my nephew came to visit from South Carolina. He loved the episode where Walt shows up naked with amnesia at a grocery store.



The fun story here is that this store is in a mildly bad neighborhood and when I took my nephew on the Breaking Bad tour earlier this summer, his mom and my wife wouldn’t let us get out to take photos. We had to stay in the car and take photos out the window. Lame. The area isn’t that bad. It’s called the International District, so how bad could it be? Acutally the area just named itself that recently, putting up signs. Welcome to the International District. Everybody still calls it by it’s older name, “the war zone.”

I stopped to take a couple of photos. Nothing happened. It really isn’t that bad of an area.


Next is a brand new location I had never visited before. Mostly because this house is only shown at night so I thought it would be hard to recognize. But it is actually a nice house…and look: SOLAR PANELS”. Gus Fring is eco friendly!



No Breaking Bad tour is complete without a stop at the Crystal Palace, aka the Crossroads Motel. Just looking at it and you know that the room are sticky.





Next is a stop at Java Joe’s: or Tuco’s place.




And then on to Jesse Pinkman’s grandmother’s place.



Not a scheduled stop, but just a couple of blocks away is The Dog House. Used a couple of times in the show. Jesse buys a gun there. Jesse gives away a wad of money to a homeless guy there.




Then off to one of the saddest locations: Jesse’s apartment.



And then the furthest location on the tour. Twisters. Also know as….Los Pollos Hermanos.IMG_8007


I actually had to bend over and tie my shoe on my way in…I felt like I should have a magnetic box to place on a car.

I think this place should buy an old Blue Volvo and park it permanently outside.


The booth Walt sat in for his first visit. I wanted to park my bike there, but my helmet will have to do for now.


95 has no symbolism…Just my order number. The food isn’t great, but I like to support them for being part of Breaking Bad’s history.


I love that they keep this painted on their wall.


And then I headed back home.


3 hours. 55 miles. About a dozen stops. And lunch. A nice day. And the temp jumped up to a San Diegoesque 72 degrees.

I will miss Breaking Bad as the show is so good. I’m glad Albuquerque was a large part of the show. But I think I’m done with the tour.

Luckily I have tons of great rides around town. So this might be my last Breaking Bad tour…and definitely my last Breaking Bad/Brammo photo tour.


Till next time….Gavin.


For more info on Brammo, please visit:
For more images, photos, discussions and all around Brammo goodness: visit, lurk and maybe join:

No bonus this time…sorry Proto.

Do You Know the Way to Santa Fe? Brammo Blog goes riding.

16 07 2013

Brammo Blog is going the distance, Brammo Blog is going for speed. Brammo Blog is all alone, all alone but I got no needs.

Brammoblog Ver 2.0. #7


This will, like most of my blogs, be mostly a photo blog. Lots of photos and less of me. Trust me, it’s a good thing. There was a Classic Motorcycle show up in Santa Fe and a few of my friends were going, and a few of my friends actually had bikes in the show. So I hopped on the Empulse and headed to the Turquoise Trail. The trip would be about 65 miles and take an hour if I drove on Interstate 25. Or the trip would be 73 miles and take about an hour and a half if I took the Turquoise Trail. To me this was classified as a NO-Brainer.** I-25 is nice the first time you drive it. Fast and actually pretty for a highway. But it gets boring fast. On the other hand, I could ride the Turquoise Trail everyday and never get bored. **No-Brainer: Most would say just about everything about me could be classified that way.



First short stop. Approx. 30 mins and about 6% added back to the bike.


I was going to ride up with some of my friends, but most of them trailer-ed up their scooters to the show. The few that drove were on classic, older bikes and had a top speed of around 45 to 50. So I went ahead and stopped at Coffee at Dawn up in Cedar Crest for a snack and some charge. It was only 17 miles into the ride, but I knew the scooters would be another 30 minutes, so why not chill and charge?

Nice people, a tasty raspberry danish and a beautiful morning…I sat for a while till I heard the sound of two strokes riding up the road. I waved them on and went inside to pay my bill, thank the staff for the electrons and then hopped on Walter and took off.



This bike ended up in the Classic show competition.



Next hella short stop was in Madrid for this photo. I always have to stop in Madrid for some reason or another.


Did you know that Madrid had the first Lit Baseball field west of the Mississippi?



Here I am behind William and his beautiful Lambretta. He is looking for the train at this signal, or doing his Superman pose. Or both.

There was no train and we ended up going around the road blockers. Hooligan style all the way to Santa Fe.



I got to the Classic Motorcycle show doing a large part of the ride at 65 mph and almost none of my riding at city speeds (7 miles in town, 1 mile though Madrid).

I drove 75 miles and got there at 13%. Showing off my mad math skillz: that’s 13% minus the 6% I recouped at Coffee at Dawn = I would have gotten to Santa Fe with about 7% of the battery. A bit close, but doable. Check out my charging amps, baby.


Here I am getting some high power charge (24 amps). I looked ahead and found out that there is a clipper creek charger 2 blocks from the Motorcycle show at Go Solar.

I emailed the owner and he told me he would reserve the charger for me. Thanks PlugShare app….and….

IMG_7210Thank you Go Solar.


IMG_7216Though the “CAR” Charger sign is discriminatory against electric motorcycles.


Now that I knew I would have plenty of charge to get home, it was off to the show.




IMG_7143Scooters, mopeds…IMG_7144Motorcycles

IMG_7145Some for sale…

IMG_7146Most not…

IMG_7147Blue bikes…

IMG_7148Dirt bikes….

IMG_7149Shiny bikes

IMG_7150Custom bikes

IMG_7151shiny custom bikes




IMG_7160Cannonball winning bikes


Panorama—click to embiggen—

and dang…look at what doing a panorama did to the gentleman in the middle. At least I hope that is a Panorama error. If not, I ain’t sleeping tonight


IMG_7159Another Panorama, though not a scary one.

This panorama also includes the smartest person there. It was HOT and SUNNY





So I decided that it wasn’t right for all these bikes to have fun and Walter was all alone. I went back and got him and figured I would charge later.

Now the parking at the show is only for Classic bikes, everybody else had to park out back. But when I drove up to the entrance the gentleman said, “Well that’s a Modern Classic. And the people will want to see it. So park up front in Special Vehicle parking.” And so I did…after I rode around the show once to give all the people a chance to do that double take they do…



I parked next to this crazy little 3 wheeler.






The Brammo and this car received about the same amount of attention.


Then the 3 wheeler left early



IMG_7193I stood around for a while answering lots and lots of questions. But I also wanted to walk around a bit.



Some of my 2 stroke riding friends and their aptly named garage.




Still I left Go Solar with only about 50% charge. That is the price you pay for wanting to show off your bike. Luckily at the Motorcycle show was a micro-brew…and I’ve never had a micro-brew tell me I couldn’t get some charge. Thank you Santa Fe Brewing for some charge and a beer while I waited.





Well I only had a beer and then had to visit with people some more and wait some on the charging. Sadly the micro-brew only had 110 charging and I am an impatient man…so I ended up heading home with the bike only charged to 88%. I figured I got to Santa Fe with about 7% left (I didn’t plan to stop on the way back for charging), and I would be going from 7000 feet to 5000 feet at home. So if it took 93% to get to Santa Fe I should be able to get home on 88%. And I was correct. BARELY.

IMG_7217And yes, you can run a battery down to ZERO and be fine.


I wasn’t overly worried as there are lots of places to get some charge on the way home. 110 outlets are like pimples in a middle school. Everywhere and more popping up each day. Still it was fun to come home on exactly zero.


It was a fun day. Talked to lots of people. Put a fun and beautiful 150 miles on the Empulse. And got home with no problems. But dang it was a hot and unforgiving day. The clouds seem to stay on the horizon and never come overhead.


till next time:



For more info on Brammo, please visit:
For more images, photos, discussions and all around Brammo goodness: visit, lurk and maybe join:


I don’t really have a Bonus…except to say I will be at Miller Motor Sport Park in Utah for the Bonneville Vintage Grand Prix.

People should go. You get to see some great bikes in a very intimate, low key setting. And you get to see some Electric Motorcycle racing. And you get some side car racing and stand and run to your bike racing. Basically some cool and crazy stuff.

Go here:

and video

Brammo Blog: The Ride in The City.

27 01 2013
Blog 63: A perhaps too short blog with a perhaps too long video.


My ride from Scuderia West, where I picked up the Brammo Enertia Plus, to Lombard St and then the Golden Gate Bridge. Only one wrong turn. Which was nice. Lots of bumpy roads. Which was not so nice. But it is San Francisco. Known for it’s beautiful sky line, lovely bridges, crazy steep hills and crappy roads for motorcycles.

The Video is about 13 minutes long…so I should have edited it a bit more…but I am horrid at editing.



Take Care


For more info on Brammo, please visit:
For more images, photos, discussions and all around Brammo goodness: visit, lurk and maybe join:


Brammoblog: It’s been a while…I bet you will wish it had been longer.

3 12 2012

Blog 58: Perhaps this is a sign that true Madness has set in…


Haven’t posted in a while as I have been cage riding. The downside of driving a Test Bike is that sooner or later the company will want the bike back to do, well testing. The Upside is: FREE BIKE TO RIDE (till it is torn asunder from your grasping, confused and suddenly lonely throttle hand—and NO SUGGESTIONS from the peanut gallery about what I can do with my “lonely throttle hand”).

So as I slowly (and hella reluctantly) adapt to sitting in a Cage of metal, glass and sorrow** for my commuting and such…well I have not been posting here at all…

That changes today!!! Sadly this post is just silly whimsy and all fluff, no substance. But I hope to include some substance ASAP.

Hint Hint to Brammo…I want to ride again! And once you go Electric, it is hard to go back to riding a gas bike.


As I wait and suffer, my mind has slowly (maybe not so slowly) been cracking like Arctic Ice on a hot August day.

And that unstable brain was doing a little Jingle/Song advertising for Brammo…I don’t think they will rush off to the presses with this idea any time soon.


Sing along!







north korea

Even superfluous pseudo “World Leaders” DO IT…





(just a place holder photo…need a good Brammo photo of many people riding Empulses)


One other version was:

Birds do it,

Bees do it,

avery-martin copy



But: A) The Dean Martin reference is pretty old. B) Dean Martin’s mobster friends might not like me implying that “Dino” had fleas…and most importantly C) not sure you should ever use Inebriated in any motor vehicle ad.


But there you go….nothing for a couple of weeks and this is the slop you get…

Sigh…don’t blame me…blame…heck, Blame Canada….



Till Next Time…



For more info on Brammo, please visit:
For more images, photos, discussions and all around Brammo goodness: visit, lurk and maybe join:

**Actually driving my pickup isn’t horrid…but it just pales to riding that Brammo to work each and every day…

BrammoBlog: Non-Brammo Related Blog Post…Sadly.

8 11 2012

Blog 57. “It’s been a week and a day, since my baby went away.”

Being without the Brammo Enertia Plus has turned me into a BCS:

Bad Country Singer.

(No oxymoron comments about BAD not being needed with Country Singer.

See: Hank Williams SR, George Jones, John Hiatt, Johnny Freakin Cash.)


Well today is a totally Brammo free blog…well other than the Title…and the blog’s first line…and that last sentence….but no more. Except one more: the Brammo Enertia Plus has been gone since last Wednesday…and:

“There’s been a hoot-owl howling by my window now

For six nights in a row,

She’s coming for me, I know,

And on T’Challa we’re both gonna go.”

Gah, must stop listening to the 70’s radio station at bed time….



So “currently” no electric motorcycle for me. But I still had a ride planned:

The Marigold Parade/Dia De Los Muertas Parade.



I couldn’t miss that. For one, I made a special Dia De Los Muertas Panda head just for the ride. And two, it is a nice time with TONS of people.

I did shoot a little video and I took a few photos. But I couldn’t take photos nor video while driving the Maxi-Scoot (horrid name) down the parade street with my panda head on. It felt very much like I was an 80 year old with glaucoma driving to the liquor store for more vodka. (Editor’s Note: A future not impossible to imagine for Gavin.)

Thankfully I was only riding at 1 mph hour. So, even 90 percent blind, I somehow pulled off, by the grace of God,  NOT running over any of the thousand or so kids jumping into the street trying to catch cheap candy. “Hey kids, it’s like 3 days after Halloween; no candy left at home? Willing to be run over by a near blind panda-headed moron for that piece of cheap off-brand Bazooka gum that you will just throw away when you get home?”

And it was HOT. Over 80 degrees….in New Mexico…in NOVEMBER!!! Not surprisingly, inside that Panda head it was much hotter. Sweat dripped into eyes as I tried constantly to re-adjust the panda head to allow some tiny amount of vision. Oh, and I had a passenger.

So that mile ride from the Isleta Police Station to the Southwest Community Center was a long, hot, mildly scary drive. And at one mile per hour that mile ride took….wait, I think I can do this math in my head…let’s see…carry the 1…divide by 1…correct for lowest common denominator (me)…and it took like eleven billionity hours…or it took about an hour. Gah, that part of the ride was painful and distressingly like WORK. (gotta stop saying Gah so much.)


Jessi and I post ride, wandering around the community center. I was in immediate search mode for FLUIDS.


Me and Jessi, my passenger. It was great having Jessi there. (photo from the Daily Lobo website–UNM’s college paper)


The above link takes you to a site that has lots of nice photos Many that show the crowd some. None of my photos ever show the crowd 😦

The place was PACKED. Nice.


At the “staging” area.


Ron on his Spree.



Ron, Panda Head and Jessi at the end of the Parade.



Jessi, her date and the Panda Head 🙂




My Video. Mostly of the Parade staging/set-up area (we were group 28 of over 100 groups).  I slowed down the beginning part as I was spinning around and it would have made everybody throw up on their monitors. Don’t ask how I know this. (memo to self: buy new monitor)

Then some footage (can we use the word footage any more? Everything is digital…no film footage to handle and splice together) of riding to the start of the Parade. You get to see Jessi coming up with my Panda Head just before the turn onto the street with all the humans. The person squealing like an 8 year old girl is me. 😦

I rode the scooter down to the parade and didn’t want to carry the head. Jessi said she would bring it, but was running late as the traffic was HORRID. So I almost didn’t do the ride in the head. (which would have made me hella sad, but it probably would have been safer and I would have had some video of the crowd)

And finally some “footage” of the end of the Parade site. It was starting to get crowded, and the Parade was still going. So that field at the community center was going to be packed by the time night fell.


All in all, it was a nice time. I want to invite Brammo to do a group ride at the parade next year. A few silent and clean electric motorcycles riding down the road would get a lot of attention with this crowd. And tons more at the huge party at the ride’s end. And throwing candy to the kids is always fun. And you would get a nice visit to the beautiful Southwest. (Large, vision obstructing paper mache heads are optional)


And you know it isn’t a Gavin trip unless I stop somewhere to take extra photos of the bike in nice scenery. Sorry, no electric vehicle photos, but here is my Fuoco 500 down at the Rio Grande River with the Cottonwood leaves turning gold.


Dark shadow at top is part of my finger…I kinda suck at this stuff.






Till Next Time…



For more info on Brammo, please visit:
For more images, photos, discussions and all around Brammo goodness: visit, lurk and maybe join:



The Daily Lobo…Physical copy.


The Road Warrior…In the Future he will be kicking ass, but he won’t be looking for gas.


BrammoBlog: I promised myself I wouldn’t cry….

31 10 2012

Blog 56: Parting is such sweet sorrow….Actually it is just sorrow, nothing sweet about it at all.


So if anybody, other than the voices in my head, have been following this blog, those people will know a couple of things:

1) I take a lot of photos.

2) I am a few rungs low on the ladder of normal.

C) I don’t follow rules well


4) I have been riding an Electric Motorcycle (made by Brammo) for the last year and 3 weeks.


I have put over 6000 miles on the two bikes they lent me (over 4800 on the first bike: a Brammo Enertia. Their first bike that is a city commuter with a 40 miles range per charge. And over 1300 miles on the second bike they lent me when they took back the Enertia : a Brammo Enertia Plus. This was a  newer version with double the range and other improvements). It also was one of Brammo’s Test Bikes (number 9 to be exact). That info comes into play today.

6000 miles in a year is pretty good for a city commuter. I rode just about everyday, either commuting to work or running errands or just going for fun rides along the river or up in the mountains. Good Times.


My very first ride on the Brammo Enertia.


This was my blog saying goodbye to Enertie (the green Enertia) and hello to T’Challa (the black Enertia Plus)


T’Challa at the Grand Canyon.


Well the day has come that Brammo is collecting the Plus and I am no longer an Electric Motorcycle rider. And that makes me a Sad Panda.



But the Plus was a “Test Bike” and Brammo needs her back to check on the batteries and such and possibly make a few changes, adjustments and update the software.



So back she goes…sniff…I will not cry….





And while I am currently EV-less and sad, I appreciate the time I got to ride both motorcycles. And all the people I got to meet and talk to because of those Brammo motorcycles (and believe you me, EVERYBODY will want to talk to you when they see these bikes. It is not the kind of bike you get if you are “overly shy”…or horribly anti-social). And HUGE thanks to the people at Brammo. Especially Adrian Stewart who made this all happen. And BrammoFan and all the people over at BrammoForums. So many people to thanks…but it is hard to see the keyboard as it seems to be raining on my face…



Till Next Time…


For more info on Brammo, please visit:
For more images, photos, discussions and all around Brammo goodness: visit, lurk and maybe join:



Ok…not way in hell I should put this here. But I just am not bright enough to know that somehow this will come back and haunt me. Dancing Panda (with my drinking head vs my day of the dead panda head that is impossible to drink while wearing)…A) I am a horrid dancer. B) Tequila is never your friend. C) I was not driving that night.

Somehow I think Brammo will not loan me anything ever again after seeing that.

Bonus 2

Ashton Kutcher might be interested in an Empulse…at least according to some rumors…so here ya go…


Ashton Jobs


Dude, where’s my Brammo?


BrammoBlog: It’s Friday, Friday, Gotta get down on Friday…(sorry…A) it’s Monday and B) that song is just vile)

29 10 2012


Blog 55: I decide to join Brammo on their Friday Afternoon Ride…well not in Ashland…That is FAR…But I went on my own little Friday Afternoon Ride.


Every Friday (or most Fridays) Brammo goes on group rides from the Brammo Headquarters in Ashland, Oregon.

See here:

Well it was a beautiful fall Friday here in Albuquerque and work was a bit slow…..So I said goodbye to the Hospital and jumped on the Brammo Enertia Plus and hit the streets of Burque. I just missed the leaves changing on my ride to the top of the mountain (seen in last weeks blog post: HERE) …but they are just starting to change down by the Rio Grande…so that was my destination. And I have some photos (surprising I know) and video to share. And, since it is Halloween time, a few bonus images at the end….Non Brammo related, but fun.


Down near the river looking East toward the mountain. The Cottonwoods turn bright yellow this time of year.



Panorama Time



What’s my favorite phrase? I PARK WHERE I WANT

(unless it is inside JUMBO at the Trinity Site and the Military Police are super pissed at me)



This path leads down to the Rio Grande Nature Center and the River.



Panorama Time…It Panoramamonium…or something like that…



And I did video the ride. I’m linking to two versions. They are exactly the same–so don’t watch both–, but YouTube might block the first one as it has a Fela Kuti song…

I wish YouTube and the record companies would work together and let me have the song in the video and YouTube mentions the song playing and gives a link to purchase the song and where you can find more songs from the artist and similar music…a win win you would think…

Anyways, try the first and if blocked, try the second.


fela version


Mash up Sex Pistols dance mix of Pretty Vacant…it’s fine, the song just goes a bit long in the middle…hence why I prefer the Fela version


Till next time, ride safe.



For more info on Brammo, please visit:
For more images, photos, discussions and all around Brammo goodness: visit, lurk and maybe join:


Bonus Halloween stuff:

Ok, I did two pumpkins this year. I stopped carving and moved to scraping a couple of years ago.

One Pumpkin is a traditional orange, the other is a white pumpkin. That pumpkin was HEAVY. Next year I might try sculpting a pumpkin if I get one with as thick of flesh as that white one. For scraping a candle is usually not enough light (unless you scrap it really really thin. I leave mine a bit thick and use a light bulb. The orange got a standard 25 watt bulb…the white got a 25 watt green party bulb as the character is green.


Pumpkins pre scraping…along with my Day of the Dead Panda head. I am riding, again, in the Dia de los Muertas Parade and will be wearing that head…sadly not on the Enertia Plus…but more on that in the next blog.     see how I added some tension there… 🙂


The White Pumpkin scrapped. Interestingly the white flesh smelled like cucumber, not pumpkin.


My niece loves Robert Downey Jr…so this was for her. And it was an easy design.


White Pumpkin lit up. Both my youngest daughter and my eldest daughter’s husband love the TMNTs, so this was for them. Also an easy design.


And together….


I was trying to make the “Duck Face in the Bathroom Mirror” photo that everybody posts on Facebook, but all I could pull off was Sad Panda.


And while I am a good 10-15 pounds overweight**, I make a dang skinny panda…need a pillow next time.


If I get up the nerve I might post the video of me dancing in the Panda suit (with my drinking panda head) after a bit too much tequila. But it is sooooo over the top that I might just sell it to a Furry Lovers site online.


**Thanks to Brammo I never ride my bicycle anymore and it shows…sigh…why do desserts taste soooo very yummy?? Damn you red velvet cupcakes…

BrammoBlog: What do you do when you’re broken hearted?

22 10 2012

Blog 54: RIDE BABY RIDE. Or if you are watching too many bad movies from the 60’s. Faster Pussycat, Ride Ride.


Ok, so Saturday I heard the great news for a good guy: Jeremy Dorn (aka. EmpulseBuyer) was officially named the Brammo Evangelist for 2012. Along with the accolades and recognition for his work promoting Brammo, he also gets a brand new Brammo Empulse R. A damn sweet ride. And a list price of 18K, so that is a super sweet prize. And now his name is EmpulseWinner. 🙂



Of course his great news was a bit less great for me. I am extremely happy for him, but I have to admit I was feeling a little less than ecstatic on Saturday.

Because while 1st place is super super sweet, second place is….nada. It’s like when our children were born. For some time I was the most important person in my wife’s life. And then we had kids. And I knew I would be second to the kids, and had no problem with that. Still I was a bit unprepared as I didn’t think the gulf between 1st (the kids) and 2nd (me) would be quite sooooooooo huge. 🙂  She is just head over heels crazy for those girls. And that is what makes her just such an amazing mom. Me? She does recognize me most days as a sometimes mobile and breathing Carbon-Based Life-form, so I do have that going for me.


So (and I’m not proud admitting this) I was moping around a bit. Kinda feeling a bit sorry for myself. Then I realized it was about 4:30 pm on a BEAUTIFUL Saturday and I was acting like an Emo kid on Prom Night. I thought: “Pull it together dude (i often mentally call myself dude…nothing to do with The Big Lebowski). Get out of the house, DUDE (see?), and do something to take your mind off it and have some fun.”

Now the question is: What do you do when you find out that you are likely the 2nd place finisher in being named Brammo Evangelist for 2012? What do you do when you find out you won’t “win”/”earn” an amazing free bike (and the press and accolades)???***

Now I’m not sure what you would do, my kind, indulgent and likely imaginary reader, but me? To forget and put the whole Brammo Evangelist 2012 announcement behind me, I  jumped on “my” Brammo Enertia Plus and rode 70 miles to the top of Sandia Mountain and back.

It was a little after 5 when I left. The day was still bright (brighter than me, but more on that later*), but the shadows were long on the ground and I knew I probably couldn’t make it up the mountain and back before dark. Especially as the way up to the top of the mountain is on the East Side* and the Sun sets in the West…so the Mountain will be blocking the Sun for my ride up. Still I grabbed my Icon Airmada Stack Helmet (I don’t know why but I seem to be giving free press to Brammo and Icon now-a-days) and my Contour Roam helmet cam and set off.

Now my helmet doesn’t yet have the connector for the camera, but I’ve been using it lately by driving one handed and filming anyways. It is actually much nicer. I get to pan around. And on this ride I got to hold it out in front by the tire, and lean over and hold it close to the ground. Fun stuff! And for Adrian who tells me the Empulse is too much for me…Hey, Enertia Plus, 50 mph and riding one handed and filming…So there! 🙂

Photos and Video up next.

Photos First.



It was getting dark fast and I was using my iPhone. So the images will be a bit contrasty.





A short panorama


A full panorama. Curvy roads seem to baffle panoramas.


The Video: longish at 15mins, but has some fun stuff when I decide to “drag” the camera.



Till next time, ride safe.



For more info on Brammo, please visit:
For more images, photos, discussions and all around Brammo goodness: visit, lurk and maybe join:


*Why I am not bright: 1) I have lived in Albuquerque for 16 years. Albuquerque is to the WEST of the mountain. The way up to the top is on the EAST side. In the video I reversed this. 16 YEARS. Sigh. 2) The top of the mountain is 5000 feet higher than where I live. The top of the mountain is always 20 to 25 degrees colder than where I live. So Saturday was a beautiful day in the low 70’s. Perfect. But it gets cold fast when the Sun goes down. So…AND I KNOW THIS…when I was coming down the mountain after sunset is was quickly below 40 degrees. I did have my full face helmet. I did have my nice fall gloves and my fall coat. But under the coat was only a t-shirt. And the fall gloves are pushed to their limit at 39 degrees and going 50 mph…So it was a COLD ride home….I almost always forget to dress for the mountain top…even after all these years. A mental block…heavy emphasis on MENTAL.

*** To be fair and honest…Brammo has been super good to me and had let me use a Brammo Enertia for 9 months…and now the Enertia Plus for the last couple of months. So it is hard to “complain”.

BrammoBlog: Sunday was a GREAT day for Balloons in New Mexico

16 10 2012

Blog 53: A mostly non-Brammo blog today. But Sunday was just too lovely not to share.


So Sunday was the last day of the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta.  And the weather was perfect for ballooning. Low winds, cool air and clear skies. AND it was the same down in Roswell, New Mexico where Felix Baumgartner was attempting to take a balloon up high enough to see the curvature of the Earth. And then jump out of that balloon. Crazy stuff.



The World’s Premiere Balloon Event…it says so right on the web page…and is true. Crazy number and styles of balloons.



I love this image


And of course I did poke a bit of fun about his upcoming jump in a blog last week…


And while I don’t usually take requests, Brammofan sent me an image of Mr Baumgartner making his historic landing (and landed it perfectly! the only time I sky dived I was in a tandem and still ended up on my arse). He said I should “Brammo it up”…and how could I resist.


I find it rather impressive that Brammo just happened to have an Empulse near enough to the landing site that Mr Baumgartner could aim for it and make a perfect “land, sit and GO!” 🙂


But that’s all I have that is Brammo related today. The rest is Balloon Fiesta time, baby. And what a nice time it was. I went with my wife, my eldest daughter, her husband and their amazing and lovely daughter. And we met my mom, my youngest brother, his wife and their lovely and amazing son. My youngest daughter wasn’t there as she in charge of the mobile and online coverage of the Fiesta for the Albuquerque Journal and had been doing insane hours and was taking the day to sleep and sleep and then sleep some more.


First things first. To celebrate a man taking a balloon to the edges of space and then stepping free and hurtling back to Earth like Icarus, here is my wife and I looking like idiots. Well at least me. My wife looks amazing doing anything.


That photo was taken at the Balloon Fiesta, but a bit later in the morning. Ballooning is an early morning event and we arrived at 5 am to see the Dawn Patrol set up and take off. And to beat the crowds as 10’s of thousands of people go on the weekends.




more people arrive


I always forget to ask why the launch officials dress as Zebras.


In the early, pre-dawn AM of the high desert, the best place to stand it near the balloons as they inflate. Those propane tanks put out a lot of heat.


The first few balloons inflate just before the Sun rises. This is the Dawn Patrol. Usually 6-10 balloons that take off before all the other balloons to see what the wind speeds are and which direction the balloons will go.


More of the Dawn Patrol


I liked the combo of the faces lit up by a balloon inflating just out of the photo…and the mountain silhouette lit up by a soon to be rising Sun.


Ready to go.


And off they go. I really fell in love with the look of the Mountain and the slowly lightening sky that outlined it. It was hypnotically beautiful.


After the Dawn Patrol is when the many Many MANY other balloonist start to inflate.


A panorama of some of the first wave of post dawn balloons inflating.

The Dawn Patrol is always “normal” shaped balloons. The first wave after the Dawn Patrol is also all “normal’ shaped balloons.

Special Shapes never fly with them for 2 reasons.

1. Special Shapes are much harder to fly and more sensitive to the winds. So making sure the other balloons ride easily is very important.

2. The people love them some Special Shapes. So it’s best to have them later in the morning when the bigger crowd has arrived.


3 of the 4 most important women in my life. 3 of 5 as I should include Becki too.


The crazy thing is just how close everybody can, and do, get to the balloons. Kids touching them, me poking my head inside one as it inflates.

Surprisingly you never hear of injuries on the ground. You would like one person (me) would get too close and have his hair set on fire…well I guess I’m kinda safe on that part. 🙂


“Balloon, I am your Owner.” Dark Father was there.


A nice panorama of a lazy Darth kinda chilling.


And a few take off. It was a good amount of balloons. Not a great amount, but good. It was the last day and many of the balloonist go home before the last day. I was at a Fiesta one year that had over 700 balloons take off in one morning session…just wave after wave of balloons. It was “memorable”.



Creamland: It’s Legen…Wait for it….Dairy.



POW balloon (barbed wire balloon on far edge), SpiderPig (love it) and Simba (he’s new this year). The Baby Bumble Bee (Jolie) has her back to us.


And probably my favorite balloons…The Bumble Bee family. And the baby is named after my youngest daughter.

When they take off the handlers on the ground spin the Mom and Dad to rotate and “kiss” as they rise…and they, if the winds are low, hold hands the whole time they are in the air. The “baby” usually flies off by herself. She is interesting as the pilot doesn’t ride in a basket. There is a two seat chair similar to what you use as a ski-lift at the mountains for skiing and snowboarding. So two people hang down below the balloon very exposed. Kinda cool.


More balloons…and the beer garden was taunting me. No alcohol sales in New Mexico till after Noon on Sundays. Though I do wonder how much beer they sell at 7 am. On bitter cold mornings. But probably more than one would expect.


More balloons….I admit that I didn’t get a lot of images of the mass ascension. I forgot to charge my iPhone the night before and it died…and that is a long story as I also got separated from the family (I have the attention span of a gnat drinking red bull and constantly wander off at events like this) and had to borrow a phone from the Lost Parents security station. Twice. Sigh.


So that’s it for Photos. I am putting up two short videos of the Dawn Patrol.


The Propane tanks are quite noisy. Most years we have a balloon or two fly right over our house (usually less than 50 feet above the house) and the dogs go CRAZY. They hate the balloons. And fear them.

The Crowd yells happily with every balloon that launches.




That’s it. Take care and bee safe 🙂 Till next time.



For more info on Brammo, please visit:
For more images, photos, discussions and all around Brammo goodness: visit, lurk and maybe join:


Bonus Photo

The daughter and granddaughter getting a photo with one of Darth Vader’s henchmen. I love the look on her face.

“….What the @#$% is that…and why aren’t we running away from it?”


Bonus 2—Stolen from my daughter’s Facebook