Brammo Blog : Video Madness!!

17 07 2012

Blog 17: And by Video Madness, what I mean is I have some videos and some madness…not necessarily together.


Ok, so yesterday I did a photo blog of Saturday’s Show and Shine. Today I am doing a video blog of the Show and Shine and the ride that followed. I am still a horrible noobie at using the video helmet. So forgive my shaky head and boring video…One day I will improve…I promise.




Nice bikes, super cool Cushman Ape and tons of Neon….what’s not to like?


Here is a walk down the line of bikes…Did this kinda early and some more bikes showed up. But is a fair representation of the bikes there. Holding the helmet cam in my hand is not ideal…I should probably use my iPhone Video for these shots next time. Or take that Michael J Fox drug as I am getting a bit spastic lately. Ok, yes I admit I have been spastic longer than “lately”, but it used to be all mental spastic and not physical spastic. Ok, dammit, that isn’t true either. I’ve always been a restless leg syndrome guy….years and years before they made up a name for that. My wife tells me that I’ll be fidgeting in my coffin…one of the reasons she plans to burn me…the other 15 reasons are really none of your business.



The view from behind…No crude comments please. Though I did have this running through my head as I was filming…

Oh, my, god. Becky, look at that tire.
It is so big. It looks like,
one of those rap guys’ motorcycle.
But, you know, who understands those rap guys?
They only ride it, because,
it looks like a total prostitute, ‘kay?
I mean, that tire, is just so big.
I can’t believe it’s just so round, it’s like,
out there, I mean – gross. Look!
It’s just so … black!



A close up of a couple of those crazy Modded Ruckus bikes. And those fat ass tires….



A slow, and silent, ride though the group before taking off for the ride. It is a nice number of riders…I would expect Camp Scoot, the next big group ride, to have about twice as many.



Taking off…I played “sweeper” for most of the ride.



Just a bit of riding through town…The white Vespa you will see in these video is our “Blocker”…a very important job in any group ride. He did a great job. The red Ruckus I waved to move up is one of the Portland riders…he was doing some filming along the ride too.



One of the bikes had pulled over…as sweeper I normally stop, but another bike stopped to help them. I did go to the lead rider and tell him we had two bikes behind and that I was going back to check on them…that is why I could get this shot of the riders going by. It was just a loose handlebar that they tightened before I even got all the way back to them.



First stop…basically a pull out and turn around stop. One thing I love about riding Rio Grande Blvd (when not the freaking Lavender Festival) is that we have basically lush countryside in the middle of town. Very nice. The 25 mph speed limit and constant presence of cops looking for speeders is not one of the things I love about riding here.

Last time I rode down here I saw a coyote slowly stalking a Sand Hill Crane through the high grasses.



Walking look at the rides at the stop.



Stop signs…we don’t need to listen to no stop signs. Thanks Blocker. The ride itself is flat, slow and fairly boring…but it is always fun to ride with other bikers….especially when we can ignore stop signs.


As sweeper I get to hang back a bit and chill and look about a bit. A pretty mellow ride.



Watching the red Vespa in my rear mirrors a bit…and the thumbs up at 24 second is to a sign that says: “Share the Road”.**

At about 40 seconds in we start to hit the Lavender Festival parking…I still am baffled that anybody, let alone many people, go to a Lavender festival.



Here I say goodbye to sweeping and head to the front to let Richard know I’m breaking off from the group.



Heading home…I swear these two guys stole this Trolly car…No Trolly goes on this route.



Ok, ok, so not very exciting–But it was a nice day, hanging with some nice people. I promise, PROMISE that the next video will be a ride up the Sandia Mountain…now that is a fun ride. Ohhh, maybe at night! Hmmm, no, that wouldn’t show on video at all.


Till Next Time…


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Reminder: Saturday is the StreetFest…but you don’t have to wait till then to buy a raffle ticket to win a Scooter or Fixie…Buy one NOW!…or buy many.



**Share The Road–words to live by…literally. Sadly my Helmet Cam did not catch the words…


I like to think it says “Shake Your Rump” in honor of MCA




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