Brammo Blog: Old Review…by an Old Reviewer

12 07 2012

Blog 14: Dang I am toooooo busy….leave me alone….


Alright, the above comment to not to you, my imaginary readers, but to my Boss who seems to think I should be working and not blogging…so 20th century. Plus, hello, blogging IS work….hella hard work too.

That said, sigh, no time to do much on the old Brammo Blog today…plus typing in my Creature from the Black Lagoon hands** is really really hard.

(**see yesterday’s post. nuff said. nuff said doesn’t really work there, but I’ve always wanted to type that and feel like Stan Lee…and it worked…I now feel like an 89 year old man…dammit).

So today I am posting a link to the Review I did of the Brammo Enertia…with a bit of follow up. Yes I am lazy….I have learned to deal with it, so will you 🙂


So that was some time ago….yesterday my Odometer clicked over 4500 miles. Hmmmm, clicked is the wrong word for an LCD speedo…gah, now I have Speedo images in my head…If I ever find the person who designed and sold the speedo…slow and painful…slow and painful…


See, I have no idea what is happening here, but Speedos = OMG I HATE THIS.

Luckily the Enertia can make everything better….


It’s like the old Red Stripe Beer commercials…

“You are very very UGLY…Here, put this Enertia in front of you…You are still very very UGLY, but now I am looking at the bike and not you.”


But, as is all too often the case, I’ve gotten off subject.

Back to the Enertia Review.

I hope it didn’t bore you too much. I can add a couple of details.


OK, I’m not going to win the Iron Butt contest, but over 4000 miles on a commuter bike in 8 plus months isn’t too shabby.


 I am many many more miles into my “test” drive.  I have not had any “down” time.  I have had a service code warning come up on the display. There is good and bad with that.

1) The Bad: I had a service warning. I did not know what that meant, but it looked serious. Otherwise, the bike rode and acted fine (can a bike “act”? Well I guess if what we call Kristen Stewart does “acting”, then sure, a bike can act too).***

2) The Good: I emailed Brammo service and got an immediate response. They told me it is a voltage warning. They also told me it was safe and ok to keep riding. And they told me they would fly out from LA to Albuquerque to fix it! Great service…of course I told them that if it was OK to drive, that they didn’t need to fly out as I would see them at Laguna Seca and they could fix it then. But I was impressed with the offer.

3) The Ugly…see the above speedo picture…shudder


Other than that…I have a new chain. I HIGHLY recommend an O-Chain over the stock chain (I think all new Brammo bikes will have O-chains). It is insanely better. So far, no stretching of the chain and easy upkeep with less maintenance and cleaning. Do it now if you have the older chain.

Two up riding…doable on the Enertia…but I wouldn’t do it too often nor too fast. But it worked great in the Pride Parade.

These foot pegs work, but will move a bit. I’ll look for more permanent solutions when I get my bike. Unless I get an Empulse 🙂 That already seats 2.


We don’t do a lot of 2 up riding, but would love it for the trips to the Albuquerque Isotopes games. You can park much quicker and closer on a motorcycle. Because I park where I want. 🙂

And yes, our local Baseball team is named after a Simpson’s Episode…One reason I love our town.


Till next time….



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***Ok…I wondered if I could turn the Enertia into the highest paid Actress in Hollywood.

Then I realized, I didn’t need the dead eyes, just the open fish mouth…boom, instant millions per movie….

(original image from here:



3 responses

12 07 2012

You attached foot pegs to the swing arm?!!! Don’t try that at home folks. 😀

12 07 2012

I tried attaching them to the chain, but that didn’t seem to work.

12 07 2012


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